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Little Cog-Bert and Cotton Candy BP#3

In both the story of Little Cog-Bert and Cotton Candy they both have ideas both similar and different from each other. In Little Cog-Bert, Cog-Bert a little boy in the house was seen as a very weak and strange boy. This boy seems to look like a skeleton to compared to the many other kids. In the story he seems to be the kid who is usually left out of gatherings and special event since he seems to look very frail and very shy. He looked different from the kids and the women from England don't like him at all. She always complained about having to give gifts to the dark children since her own is in England going to primary school and won't be able to receive gifts. Soon they began giving gifts to the children. At first the lady wasn't too exited to see them until they got their gifts. She soon started to love them since they had shown how thankful they are when they had received their gifts. However when Little Cog-Bert came to get his gift it didn't want it. Until the

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